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German Cockroach Treatment

Inside Only: The treatment covers cupboards, countertops, skirting boards, plumbing, the pantry, and general house areas.

Typically, it takes one or two treatments to eliminate German cockroaches, but in some cases, additional treatments may be necessary.

This price applies to each treatment.

$180.00 $160.00 11.1% OFF


German cockroaches are typically found indoors and can be identified by two horizontal stripes behind their head, with a light brown or tan body. If you notice a roach matching this description, it’s likely a German cockroach.

Despite having wings, they rarely fly, preferring to crawl around warm, humid areas like kitchen countertops. These cockroaches can contribute to asthma and carry harmful bacteria, making it crucial to address any infestations for the health of your loved ones.

Have you noticed quite a number of signs of a German cockroach infestation?
If the answer to that is a ‘yes’ it would be advisable to call us before it worsens as they are known to multiply very easily and quickly which could mean that the infestation of roach population is increasing heavily with each passing minute that is wasted.